Photo: Julie Hrncirova
As a part of the Fotobokfestival Oslo 2023, a series of online lectures and workshops will be held for professional photographers and artists in Oslo. The program is suitable for artists working with a photobook “in progress”, in the beginning phase or end phase. The talks and workshops will focus on how to incorporate documents, indexes and archives in photobooks, either as an add-on or creative index.
Online talk #1:
Practical and conceptual aspects of photobook making
By: Claudia de la Torre
Thursday June 29
13.00 pm CET
Participation fee: Free
The talk will take a closer look at the more practical and conceptual aspects of bookmaking. Focusing on design, editing, sequencing and the importance of materials in the production of books, giving inspiration of the many ways of producing and getting creative about the materiality of a photobook. Claudia will show some examples made during the Artists Books Workshop, and some published under her imprint backbonebooks.
Didn't catch the talk, but want to? You can see the full talk here.
Workshop #1
From flat sheet to structure: introduction to bookbinding
By: Rahel Zoller
Date: Saturday September 2
Location: Grafill
Time: 10.00 - 13.00
Participation fee: 600 NOK / 300 NOK FFF members
Maximum participation numbers: 12
To sign up, email (first come first serve)
The workshop will provide instruction on how to create a variety of different binding styles such as an instant book, a 3-hole pamphlet and a dos-à-dos 5-hole pamphlet binding. During this introduction participants will create various binding styles and learn to work with needle and thread and the properties of paper. Examples of artists’ books with related techniques will be shown to demonstrate the multifaceted utility of these simple yet effective bindings.
Workshop #2
Paper, binding, size and function. How can an appendix be added to the photobook?
By: Rahel Zoller
Date: Sunday September 3
Location: Grafill
Time: 10.00 - 14.00
Participation fee: 1000 NOK / 600 NOK FFF members
Maximum participation numbers: 12
To sign up, email (first come first serve)
An appendix allows extra or bonus material that isn't included in the main body of the book to be incorporated. During this workshop participants will look at different samples and explore various concepts on how an appendix can be used. People are encouraged to bring and work with their own materials and leave with a physical collection of dummies.
Participants will be contacted in advance of the workshops with instructions on what image material to bring.
Photo: Claudia de la Torre
Claudia de la Torre (Mexico City, 1986) is an artist and independent publisher and educator based in Berlin. Her artistic practice encompasses printed media, conceptual publications, and installation art, all centered around the idea of the book as a fundamental concept. Through her work, she explores the interplay between surface, form, and ideas. In 2011, de la Torre established backbonebooks, an experimental publishing imprint that has produced, conceptualized and designed 86 artists' books and editions to date. She also serves as the director of the Artists' Books Workshop in Berlin. The workshop serves as a space where creatives can exchange knowledge, refine their craft, and bring their artistic visions to life through the medium of artist publications.
Photo: Rahel Zoller
Rahel Zoller lives and works in London as an Artist, Book Arts and Design Specialist and Educator. She studied at Goldsmiths and University of the Arts London.
Since October 2015 Zoller has been a member of ABC (Artists’ Books Cooperative) Rahel specialises in artists’ books which explore concepts of language, translation, reading and writing as well as the interaction between user, creator and society.
Forbundet Frie Fotografer
Møllergata 34, N-0179, Oslo
Project manager:
Bjørn-Henrik Lybeck
Gamle Munch
Address: Tøyengata 53, 0563 Oslo
Forbundet Frie Fotografer
Møllergata 34, N-0179, Oslo
Gamle Munch
Address: Tøyengata 53, 0563 Oslo
Project manager:
Bjørn-Henrik Lybeck